On the 6th 0f January 2014 I completed 80 years of life. Since God has given me such a long and enriching life, with gratitude to Him and to my fellow human beings, I decided to share humbly all that I have learnt from my life. Compared to the knowledge you gather step by step from childhood in the family, in the elementary and secondary schools, universities and institutes of learning through personal efforts and help of teachers, through success and failures in examinations and interviews, the various experiences you go through in life in various places, with various people, situations, challenges .......enriches each one with a unique knowledge called experiential-knowledge.
I consider experiential-knowledge as a unique identity of every human being and worth sharing to enrich the life of others.
For this last Phase of life, I have set before me two important Goals - 1. with the help of God purify and prepare me for the next Phase of Eternal life in which I firmly believe 2. to dedicate myself with Devotion and Discipline as an Instrument of God to serve the cause of peaceful existence of all People in Sri Lanka.
Hence I attempt this sharing of my experiential-knowledge in the various fields of my life - human, spiritual, religious, political and german-exiled life through the three languages - Tamil, English and German - which were my main means of communication, with my People, with the world and with my German Friends.
In my past life I have made all the important decisions with the help of God and faithful to my own conscience. My decisions came into conflict at times with the wishes of my own parents and friends, but I followed my conscience and God's Inspiration. That is how after completing my first degree in Physics and mathematics at the University of Ceylon in 1958, I decided to become a Priest. After a Brief period of teaching and lay apostolate, I entered the Seminaries in Jaffna, Kandy and Rome. From then on, my priestly life and Service has been the only Goal of my life. Hence on completing 80 years of my life, the supreme act of mine was offering thanks to God on the 6th Jan. 20014 at the Church in Darfeld, Germany.
After my last visit to Israel to guid a Group of Tamils from Canada led by Mr. Anton Sinnarasa, I had bought this picture from the See of Galilee in Nov. 2015. It was in this See that Jesus travelled often with his Chosen disciples, worked so many miracles including the calming of the storm.
God continues to be the Chief Pilot of my life, I am only His co-Pilot, following his directions and inspirations I drive the ship of my life in such a way that I am ever ready to Change directions as inspired by Jesus the Pilot of my life!